Saturday Space Stories!
- I worry this won't be useful until we can have non-astronauts on the space station</p>
- Darpa Robots for Darpa cars!
- CONSISTENCY: Is NASA supposed to do hard things or boringly feasible things? I say the former. The whole point of NASA is that they have padding for failure. It's only an investment insofar as it tries things. Failure is OK.
- Fascinating non-intuitive incentives
- Magnetic Awesome in spaaaacce
- Smallsats paving the way for peoplesats?
- Oh man - pair this with a space elevator. Obligatory: Lasers in spaaaace
- Video about coffee related to my warnings about green fuel
- If only there was such close scrutiny for *every* 2 billion dollars the government spent
- One of the many things where the optimist in me wants to believe the hype, but the realist worries the project will go nowhere. Note that the whole plane isn't slated for 2020, only a test of one of the engines.
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