Dare mighty things!

All writing by topic

Grants Only Go So Far

I’ll be blunt: I’m worried that because of how easy and humble grants are, enabling research through grants will crowd out enabling research through more definite ways. [Read More]

Inktober 2020

For Inktober I did a drawing each day illustrating something that is useful/interesting to know more about. The topics were (Click name to jump to the image): Risk vs Uncertainty Four Research Quadrants Nebulosity Vikings Spaceship Battle over Jupiter Some Laws Good Maps A dragon X-Punk Cooperation and Hierarchies Competition... [Read More]


Most predictions suck. When airplanes were sold to the US Army in 1909 the common idea of the time was “With the perfect development of the airplane, wars will be only an incident of past ages.”1 Most predictions look like this. To be fair to the people who predicted this... [Read More]

Science Fiction's Untapped Potential

When an elder preeminent scientist says that something is impossible, he’s probably wrong. When a elder preeminent scientist says something might be possible, he’s probably right. [Read More]