And now for something completely different! The world has seen a long and illustrious legacy in which two outstanding things are combined to make a third, even more outstanding thing: Han Solo and Chewbacca. Computers and Motors (robots). Rum and Coke. The Avengers. Space and anything. And of course, sword-chucks....
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All writing by topic
Fragile Space Exploration is Fragile
I just finished reading Antifragile. Yeah, it took me a while, but things like life kept getting in the way and I didn’t want to rush a book that’s intended to make you think. Boy, did it make me think. For the moment, I find myself constantly analyzing things and...
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Skinning Cats
I put up a new post on the SSDS blog about what's going on in research-land. Check it out!
Links of the Week 9-21
Saturday Stories! Awesome space links of the week 9/15 Talk about paradigm shifts Like legos on the computer, being used for teaching. I’m on board Science - confirming what we knew all along since 2000 BC Big yo' mouth Dear security experts - simple advice isn't always implementable Things...
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Ditch Day: Battle Plans
Nine hours. Eight AM to five PM. A normal work-day can often pass by like a snap. But Ditch Day is anything but normal: it’s amazing how long nine hours can seem when you feel responsible for filling every minute of it with undiluted awesomesauce of your own design. And...
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