Dare mighty things!

All writing by topic

Links of the Week 9-14

Saturday Stories! It's so cool because it does so many new things. Think about it (video) I learned Tuesday that the JWST has a larger yearly budget now than the entire NASA astronomy division *ring ring* "Hello?" "Hi, it's the Pope!" The cave! It's a trap! *facepalm* You can't TELL... [Read More]


You know how when you start seeing a theme in one area of life, it starts popping up everywhere? That’s happened this week with success through iteration – the faster the better. Depth-wise, I’m excited because there’s a lot more than a single post’s worth of thoughts. So for today... [Read More]

Announcements Pt. 3

Ah yes, the actual Ditch Day announcement. I hope you’re reading these posts in order and have had to wait a bit for this one.  The atmosphere of unspoken sentiment that pervades the dining hall: “Get to the announcements! We know they’re coming. Between the hint-hint wink-wink emails, the periodic... [Read More]

Technology Tradeoffs

Continuing yesterday’s thoughts - the iPhone is another great example of the trend of technology towards being beautiful, convenient black boxes that work wonderfully until they don’t.  It is quite literally a black box capable of wondrous things. However, it’s extremely difficult for most people to get it to do... [Read More]


This post brought to you by my bathroom at work. Ok, not literally. Nor did I write this in the bathroom, but two separate plumbing malfunctions both perfectly illustrate something that I’ve been thinking about a lot. One of the urinals (of the extremely convenient, sensing and electronically controlled variety)... [Read More]