Saturday Stories! A pretty detailed overview of SpaceX – a good read, if a bit long It shouldn't be acceptable for NASA flagship missions to just 'update the wikipedia page' Some fodder for the real Tinfoil Hat people Only relevant because the headline made me think the answer should be...
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Penguins ... in Spaaaace
I feel like this proposal for a private manned mission to the moon is almost a quintessential over-the-tinfoil hat – line idea. The goal is lofty and awesome, but there is no meat to the high-minded framework, a deficiency that can it seems you can only get away with if...
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Ditch Day Chronicles: Themes
A quick post for a quick part of the Ditch Day process: the Theme of the Stack. At some point in its evolution from ‘yeah, you’re never getting into my room, no matter how hard you try’ to ‘I’m going to distract you from getting into my room with an...
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Wind Tunnel Vision
While standing inside the Ames 80x120 (dimensions, in feet, of the cross section) wind tunnel today, it was pretty hard not to just keep looking up in awe and thinking ‘man, you could fit my house in here…twice.’ However, when I did glance down, I saw this awesome setup: Yes....
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Last Computer History Museum Rant, Promise!
A sobering thought that occurred to me as I walked through the Computer Science Museum: Behind each innovation on display, behind each unappreciated advance that made them possible, behind each one of the thousands of failures from which the successes emerged were the blood, sweat, and tears of dozens, hundreds...
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