In other NASA related news, the agency is at the center of yet another budgetary hearing and subsequent congressional debate. This happens so frequently that each individual instance has begun to meld into the next in my mind. While I agree with Joe Shoer that NASA’s lack of an...
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Links of the Week, June 21
Saturday Space Stories! On the PR front, Space Exploration needs more celebrity endorsement like this spaaaace 3D printers… in spaaaaace Indiana Jones might have to upgrade his equipment Further developments on the congress-makes-me-want-to-scream front We choose to go to the, an asteroid, no the moon again! An...
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NASA: the new white meat?
One of the upshots of Monday’s post is that NASA has kind of poor PR. A slew of factors contribute to this problem: Half of the news published about NASA focuses on congressional squabbling over funding and constant direction changes that make it look like it’s NASA’s fault. NASA has...
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Incentive Inspired Irony
While I think that the research at Ames itself is very worthwhile, I recently learned yet two more delicious examples of why the research being under the direct purview of big government is silly: It turns out that if, in the course of a government project, you invent something that...
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An (over?) abundance of awesome
Another “my day has been consumed by Ames so that is all I have to write about” post: Here’s a thought to chew on – is one of NASA’s problems that it’s actually doing too many awesome things? I might be wrong, but the perception of many Americans seems to...
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