Dare mighty things!

All writing by topic

Congressional Conundrum

I’m a little confused. Maybe there’s something I’m missing, but I’m not sure why having the single common trait of being good at winning elections makes a group of accountants, lawyers, economists, MDs, real estate agents, jet pilots, and reporters suddenly qualified to determine the validity of space missions. Sarcasm aside,... [Read More]

NASA Chief Technologist AMA

For those of you interested in a broad overview of the cutting edge of space exploration, or just in need of a space excitement boost: Mason Peck, the NASA Chief Technologist (who also happens to be my PhD advisor) did an AMA on Reddit yesterday.  He answers a swath of... [Read More]

Science Parable

I recently came across a letter written by Ernst Stuhlinger in 1970.   It’s a fairly long letter, but provides some good arguments for space exploration. What stood out in my mind was this  (possibly fictional) story: “About 400 years ago, there lived a count in a small town in Germany.... [Read More]

Revenge of the Fifth

Distracted by a could-not-be-more-beautiful day, I forgot to put up a "May the Fourth be with you" post. Like the Jedi, my negligence has given rise to The Revenge of the Fifth! If your nerd quotient is not dangerously high enough to have seen these before, here are some very... [Read More]

Topical Smorgasbord

I’ve been very busy, so today’s posts is a couple of links following up on previous posts as well as some shameless self-promotion. In addition to my thoughts on the matter, here are some further arguments about why we need to be sending people and not robots to mars. In... [Read More]