A description of the latest research rabbit hole over at SSDS: where could you put a ping pong ball on the outside of the ISS, let go, and have it stick thanks to orbital mechanics? There is math and pretty pictures. It's also a test of $latex \LaTeX$ equations in...
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Some Links from the Future
Sometimes, it feels like non-computer technology has kind of stagnated. Then you see Laser guns... Robot police in Africa... and Fantasia in real life My analysis? Most of the hardware innovation doesn't permeate our everyday lives the way software does. Instead, it's working behind the scenes to make the same...
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Don't Try This at Home
Today I inadvertently ran a human toxicity trial with N = 1 data points. I’m calling it ‘the effects of way too much black pepper on human physiology.’ The conclusion is that you should ALWAYS make sure you have the side of the the pepper container with many little holes,...
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Some Tech Talk
A snippet from an abstract I'm working on - further details about 'falling up': Although they have many advantages over present technology, eddy-current actuators are not a killer app for generating 6-degree-of-freedom forces. Eddy-current forces are small and drop off quickly with distance. The necessary electromagnets and motors both generate...
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In Space You Can Fall Up
Whenever I explain my research, the conversation goes something like Me: "I'm working on a concept for a contact-less spacecraft actuator" Them: "A what?" Me: "*sigh* I'm trying to make a tractor beam." That, combined with our lab's youtube videos being listed along with the perpetual motion machines always makes...
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