I’m working on how to enable more amazing sci-fi things to become reality.

Most of my time is spent running/building Speculative Technologies – a nonprofit industrial research lab that’s working to unlock a wonderful, abundant future through technologies that don’t have a home in other institutions. Most of my writing these days is over at the Spectech blog.

Here are ~monthly updated details about what’s top of mind and what I’m working on currently.

I also (occasionally) host the Idea Machines Podcast where I have long form conversations with experts in different innovation systems.

In the past I was an EIR at Entrepreneur First in Singapore where I helped ambitious people build teams and companies. Before that I was a different kind of EIR Susa Ventures and tried to use robots to help older adults stay at home longer. Deeper in the past, I taught computers to understand the world at Magic Leap. I used to build tractor beams for space robotics at Cornell. I’ve, been a plumber, an archer, a waiter, a nazgul, and an oregano salesman. I’m one of the few people in the world with a Bachelor of Science in History.

Multi-Class Fighter/Mage with some levels in Bard.

How to get in Touch Twitter DMs are great!

Email is also good.

If you want to chat briefly, here is a link to grab some time at my ~weekly office hours