Dare mighty things!

All writing by topic

Use Tuning

To continue the thoughts on prototyping, here’s a really important question you should ask yourself: How many times will this be used? How many people will use it? This is a really important one because these numbers should heavily influence your approach to the project. It’s also one branch point... [Read More]

DIY Eddy Currents

As you may have figured out, I've been trying to put up a weekly blog post on our lab website. This week I talk about how you can create your own nifty eddy-current demonstration for about $20. Check it out! 

Links of the Week 10-12

Saturday Stories! Awesome Space Links of the Week 10/5 Bureaucracy vs. progress and efficiency: round one million Does it still count as a private company if it furloughs employees when the government shuts down? I sure hope they don't spit the shredded jellyfish back out again Now, can we 3D... [Read More]

Door Bangin'

-WHAM WHAM WHAM- WAKE UP FROSH! IT’S DITCH DAY –WHAM WHAM WHAM- The sound of fists pounding on doors, feet pounding the ground, and senior’s shouts are the signal that Ditch Day has come. It’s time to gather in the courtyard, join a stack, and embark on an adventure. For... [Read More]

Prototyping Practices

I wanted to delve a little deeper into practical habits I find useful when you’re tinkering like a madman. Documentation. One oft cited reason for studying history is that ‘we can’t move forward unless we understand where we’ve been.’ It’s also true in tinkering – a surprisingly hard habit to... [Read More]