When the goal is to create something entirely new in a land where there is no established ‘best practice’ (which is what prototyping is after all) I’m a really big advocate of figuring out the end point and then taking many small steps in that general direction. This...
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Building with a Madman
The ‘madman’ is the first persona (step) of the creating process. It’s also my favorite – it’s full of newness, excitement, confidence, and every once and a while you get to let out your best mad-scientist laugh. The madman doesn’t play by the rules. The madman has a goal...
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Madman, Architect, Carpenter, Judge
I’m preparing a short course about the prototyping process for a local startup hub/shared workspace. Spurred by that, I’m going to spend a few posts organizing my thoughts about the creation of prototypes and the making process in general. Hopefully it’s useful for me and interesting for you. My approach...
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Massless Space Exploration
I wrote a post for the SSDS blog about the concept of massless space exploration and how my research ties into it. Check it out!
Links of the Week 10-5
Awesome Space Links of the Week 9/29 It has Legos, I couldn’t resist. This advice actually applies pretty directly to research or any creative endeavor. Nothing new, but fun to see through the lens of Legos. Now here's a super Sunday I could get excited about (sorry football) It's especially...
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