Inspired by an EconTalk episode about rational optimism, a Planet Money episode about dairy farming, a lecture about singular value decompositions and perhaps too much coffee, some more thoughts about specialization: As Russ Roberts and Matt Ridley point out, the positive feedback loop between increasing trade/technology and increasing specialization is...
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All writing by topic
Robert Sapolsky used a great analogy in a lecture about the limbic system. He was describing case studies in which neurologists tried to use incidental brain trauma to determine the function of different parts of the brain. When someone had to have part of their brain removed and their behavior...
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Studies Can't Show
To my chagrin, I caught myself using the phrase ‘studies show…’ the other day. This innocuous and common phrase occupies a similar place in my brain to the ‘democratic we.’ If you think about it, no study can “show” a fact. A study can demonstrate correlations, it can make arguments...
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More Communication Conundrums
It’s intuitive that a graduate student (that’s me) should be very aware of the research related to his area of focus. What’s less intuitive is the process of finding related research, labyrinthine despite modern search technology. There are the (un?)lucky students who’s project is just a small spur off of...
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Ditch Day: Ditch Day Eve
Every year, the Seniors end Ditch Day announcements with “Go to bed Frosh! Ditch Day is Tomorrow!” This isn’t some sort of hazing or power trip, a useless statement handed down from the past (though handed down it has been.) Quite the opposite, it’s just good advice. A night full...
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