Dare mighty things!

All writing by topic

Ditch Day Chronicles: Long Laid Plans

When an experience blows your mind, it leaves a permanent mark. That being the case, I schemed about Ditch Day a lot during my sophomore (s’more) and junior years.  One of my favorite parts of ditch day was how it led to the discovery of parts of campus that I... [Read More]

Vertical Integration ... in spaaaace

Today was a day of lengthy conversations on many topics. One that I’m still wrestling with is the question: “what is the role of vertical integration in the private space industry?” Currently, space tech companies seem to employ vertical integration significantly more than other industries. This phenomenon is especially well... [Read More]

Right vs Best

In almost any undertaking, there is the ‘right’ way to do it … and a way that works best. The trick to being effective is to realize that the two aren’t always the same, and when that Often, knowing when ‘right’ is not best comes from experience. In almost any... [Read More]

Asteroid Mining Point-Counterpoint

Some thoughts prompted by two articles expressing opposing views of asteroid mining: Writing quality is more important than most people will consciously admit. I sometimes find myself having to fight the urge to judge opinions purely on how well they are expressed. I suspect many people who like to think... [Read More]

Shameless Research Plug

Shameless Research Plug I wrote a blog post for our lab blog about on orbit servicing applications - you should check it out.