Sunday Stories (Saturday Stories slightly time-shifted due to satellite and redwood filled backpacking) Cool curiosity compilation - I would recommend you have your volume off.</p> I'm sure having huge anime eyes was one of the top engineering requirements You know the best way to streamline a government regulatory process? Not...
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Ditch Day Chronicle - Prehistory
“Wake up frosh! It’s Ditch Day!” That cry, combined with the pounding of fists upon doors as seniors run down the halls, still elicits excitement in me now – 3 years after I graduated. It signals the beginning of Ditch Day, the most magical day of the year at Caltech. ...
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Aggravating Aggregation
A small rant inspired by the space settlement video yesterday: If you pay attention, throughout the video, the narrator continually refers to activities that will be performed by an unspecified group. Is it humanity? The population of the United States? Just you and the narrator? ‘We will go to L1.’...
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Space Settlement
Yesterday’s post discussed an idea that would be a fairly significant shift from our current paradigm. Comparing shifting to tiered launches to this space settlement architecture is like comparing leaving the house five minutes early to getting a car when you previously bike commuted – orders of magnitude more change....
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Media Mail... in Spaaaaaaaaaaace
A cool paradigm idea: Tiered priority launches. Think about it – you wouldn’t ship a unique technology prototype the same way you would ship potatoes. There is a spectrum from courier mail (very expensive) to media mail, where they sometimes just lose the package or smash two together and mix...
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