Dare mighty things!

All writing by topic


Human ability and reach would be greater if different systems for turning imagination into reality existed. There are not only many possible new systems, but some of them are actually feasible. [Read More]

Inktober 2018

For Inktober I did a drawing each day illustrating something that is useful/interesting to know more about. The topics were (Click name to jump to the image): Bell Laboratories DARPA Macronutrients Venture capital Fusion GANs science Medieval Tech Reinforcement Learning The Innovation Pipeline Academia Elder Care Sales Pipelines Weddings Human... [Read More]

Startup Constraints

Venture-funded startups are the innovation machine du jour. Uber, Airbnb, Google, etc. Whenever someone wants to make a change in the world, they start a company. Popular opinion is that startups can change anything but there are actually many constraints on startups. These constraints either kill the startup, prevent it... [Read More]