Dare mighty things!

All writing by topic

Innovation Channels

There are roughly1 eight channels that enable innovations in the modern world. Each imposes a set of constraints on the projects they support. Why should we think about innovation channels? The channels’ constraints shape the sorts of innovations which can successfully impact the world. If a project doesn’t meet the... [Read More]

Principles for Innovation Orgs

I’ve been systemically learning about organizations that were inordinately effective at producing innovations in the 20th Century: DARPA, Bell Labs, PARC, etc. Despite the celebration and focus these orgs have received, several under-discussed similarities stand out to me. Most of these points involve uncomfortable truths and incentives that we often... [Read More]

All Things Voice

About a year ago I tried to build a voice-based knowledge management system. You know, the thing everybody wants. The perfect assistant that sits in the corner, takes care of notes and followups like recording action items, conducting further research, linking to resources, and more. [Read More]