Some quick notes from a great discussion/breakfast put on by Canvas Ventures and Bloomberg Beta focused on building AI products in the real world.
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All writing by topic
Networking for Nerds
“Networking.” What a word. When I left grad school in 2015, networking was for slick-haired salesmen, former jocks, and social parasites in general. Real heroes built better mousetraps and the world beat a path to their doors. But then I looked at what real successes actually do - they lead...
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Inktober 2017
For Inktober I did a drawing each day illustrating something that is useful/interesting to know more about. The topics were (Click name to jump to the image): AI Part 1: Deep Networks AI Part 2: History AI Part 3: Theory vs Fact AI Part 4: Classifiers AI Part 5: What...
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Important Things
Smarter, Faster, Stronger, Higher.
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My thoughts on Elon Musk’s AI warnings:
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