As I mentioned yesterday, I am currently in the throes of preparing for my A-Exam. At Cornell, this entails the potential PhD candidate presenting their thesis topic and convincing the committee that they are prepared to undertake the quest entailed in the topic. What’s weird about it is that the...
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Insert Title Here.
A kind of cheaty post because I am scrambling to both prep for my A Exam and move to California for the summer to work at the NASA Ames Research Center (more on why this later.) I wrote the following essay a while back for the Cornell Engineering Graduate Student Association,...
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Space Values
At The Space Review, Matt Greenhouse presents a compelling vision for framing future NASA operations: science missions supported by human operations. One of the most successful examples of this idea is the Hubble Telescope. While I don’t exactly share the exact priorities of the article, (I’m more pro-humans with some...
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Everybody shake, shake, shake your paradigm
It feels like I’ve been on a ranty/pessimistic spree recently [wasted money, government pain-in-the-butts, societal stupidity etc. etc.] which really isn’t helping anything. Lets get back on track towards excitement with two space news stories that aren’t particularly earthshattering (or spaceshattering) on the face of it, but have awesome implications...
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Space Links of the Week, June 8
Saturday Space Stories! It’s calming – despite not changing anything, somehow an Economist article about private Mars missions makes them feel even more on the ‘crazy, yet feasible’ side of the tinfoil hat line. More rocket launch sites è More Awesome, IMHO Telescopes... on the moooooon Government moving towards *less*...
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