Dare mighty things!

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Ephemeral Experts

This article about Icarus Interstellar’s attempts to generate excitement about interstellar travel inadvertently brought up something I think is a very serious unaddressed issue in space research, science in general, and elsewhere. Specifically, the opening sentence: “If humanity is serious about traveling to other star star systems in the foreseeable future,... [Read More]

ACIS (Anything is Cooler ... In Space) - LEGO Edition

Like many fledgling engineers, I spent a lot of time with the caltrops otherwise known as LEGO bricks. Traditionally used for making awesome fictional spacecraft, LEGO is now being recruited by NASA to encourage people to learn about and make awesome real spacecraft as well. NASA technology + LEGO hmmm….?... [Read More]

Feed your brain through your ears

Following up on yesterdays salute to SMBC, something that I only discovered today: It also turns out that Mr. Weiner co-hosts a podcast with his wife. It's cool and worth mentioning here because They bring you awesome science things but with a critical eye towards those inconvenient details and incentives... [Read More]

SMBC Musings

As a kid, I loved Calvin and Hobbes for the simple jokes, art, and the resonance of the characters. I grew up and continued to re-read my old Calvin and Hobbes books, I realized Bill Watterson accomplished with grace and skill something that few people manage in any medium: subtlety... [Read More]

Risk Aversion Paralysis

Venting alert! One of the big space stories this week is a study published in Science showing the levels of radiation in deep space can be hazardous to your health. NASA’s reaction to this data (that was measured by the Curiosity rover on it’s way to Mars - very cool)... [Read More]