Venting alert! One of the big space stories this week is a study published in Science showing the levels of radiation in deep space can be hazardous to your health. NASA’s reaction to this data (that was measured by the Curiosity rover on it’s way to Mars - very cool)...
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Space Links of the Week, June 1
Saturday Space Stories! Public-private partnership between NASA and Bigelow - cool, but always danger of picking winners/losers Relatedly, who wants to live in a balloon on the moon? “Mars is Hard” Yes, it is. So is going to the moon, and yet… Oh those wacky Canadians But will it work...
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Shameless SSDS Sharing
As you may be aware, I also daylight as a graduate student. For an update (with pretty pictures!) on what's been going on in research land, check out my blog post on our lab website.
Anything is Cooler When You Add "...In Space" : Antifragility Edition
Space exploration needs more antifragility. For those unfamiliar with the concept of antifragility, (this includes the word processor I’m using) here the quick definition from the appropriately titled book, Antifragile: "Some things benefit from shocks; they thrive and grow when exposed to volatility, randomness, disorder, and stressors and love adventure,...
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On a Space Kick
Today, the asteroid mining company Planetary Resources launched a Kickstarter campaign to finance a publicly accessible space telescope, called ARKYD. It is continuing a trend that I hope will continue: space-centered crowdfunding campaigns. Some are successful, some less so, but each one further normalizes the idea that the government no...
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